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Depression: Early Warning Signs in Senior Citizens

Depression can be typical among senior citizens, but it is not a normal part of aging. Older adults often face unique challenges that can contribute to the development or exacerbation of depression. Notable examples include bereavement, social isolat...

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Depression: Its Impact on Your Elderly Loved Ones

Depression is a complex issue that affects individuals of all ages. In seniors, its impact can often go under-recognized, and the causes of depression in seniors can be hard to detect in many cases. Although not a normal part of aging, many seniors e...

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Factors to Consider in Choosing a Care Provider

Every stage in life has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Whether we like it or not, it is the reality. It is evident in old age. This is undeniably one of the biggest milestones in a person’s life. Although retirement offers wonderful b...

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What Are the Benefits of Adult Foster Care?

Old age is a life-changing phase of a person’s life. Like every other stage, it has its fair share of pros and cons. Among its advantages are experience and wisdom. On the other hand, it also comes with disadvantages like health deterioration and a...

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Common Factors That Hurt Your Mental Wellness

Developing healthy daily habits can significantly influence the state of your mental wellness. However, certain factors that are out of our control can also hurt our mental health. When exposed to these risk factors, your chances of developing mental...

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Addressing Disparities in Senior Mental Health Care

As our population ages, it is essential to address the disparities in mental health care for the elderly to ensure equitable support for this vulnerable group. Unfortunately, elderly individuals often face barriers in accessing mental health services...

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